Releasing perfectionism
A free online workshop
You’re a high-aiming perfectionist that doesn’t want to “lower their standards”.
Deep down you know you’re good at your job, but it’s so hard not to compare yourself to others.
You always want to do your absolute best, even when it’s 8pm and you should have gone home hours ago, and it’s starting to make you resent your job.
Colleagues tell you to care less
But you don’t want to be that person that’s complacent and doesn’t “pull their weight” as part of the team.
You’ve just assumed it’s normal to feel like this.
That you have to choose between having high standards and feeling exhausted OR finishing work on time and having the energy to enjoy drinks with friends on a Friday.
You know there are times when you could let go, like not worrying about the formatting looking just right on that email, or taking an extra 24 hours to reply to that client.
But you can’t relax if you know you could have done more, and so it just doesn’t seem worth it.
Let’s do something about it
What if you could keep your high standards AND enjoy more of life?
Hell, what if you could INCREASE those standards, do better than you do now, AND enjoy more of life?
Fact check coming in for you: your perfectionism probably isn’t helping you perform better at work. It’s actually hindering you
Studies show there is minimal to no correlation between being a perfectionist and performance (does this blow your mind?! It did mine).
Because non-perfectionist are more likely to
Stop when they’ve done a good enough job, take a break and then still have energy left to deal with important stuff
rather than pushing to exhaustion on unnecessary tasks like organising their diary for “optimal efficiency” and then floundering when an actual emergency comes in.
Tackle difficult tasks head on and ask for help if stuck
rather than putting off calling that client with the complicated blood results, or signing up to a new training course.
If you want things to change, you need to do something different.
There are strategies you can learn to
Deal with that uncomfortable feeling when you know you’ve done enough, but you can’t relax without doing more
See things objectively, so you can learn when to “cut corners” without it having a detrimental affect on your clients or colleagues
Feel proud of yourself even when things aren’t absolutely perfect, WITHOUT that making you complacent (wouldn’t that be nice?!).
Get it all in my free workshop on “releasing perfectionism and enjoying more of life”.
I ran this live in October 2024 and the feedback was super positive.
Sign up below and get the replay directly to your inbox.
Full disclaimer:
This is a massive topic, one I work on with clients for three months one-to-one, so we're only scratching the surface in 1 hour!
BUT I have people that sign up to all my free events and say they always learn something new.
I pride myself on giving you both tangible steps you can do straight away, while also pointing to the "big work" you can do if you want to take it further.
You'll automatically get added to my mailing list when you sign up to the workshop, so you'll continue to get bitesized weekly advice on how to live more mindfully and enjoy more of life.